Schedule: Napier, February 2008

Some of the names in the schedule are clickable links to a pdf, swf or ppt record of the lecture.

9.00 Dominic WelshBrendan McKayMichael MitzenmacherMichael LangstonSteve Linton
10.00 CoffeeCoffeeCoffeeCoffeeCoffee
10.30 Dominic WelshBrendan McKayMichael MitzenmacherMichael LangstonSteve Linton
11.30 Geoff WhittleAlexey YashunskyMike AtkinsonArkadii Slinko Tanja Gernhard
12.00 LunchLunchSylvain GuillemotLunchLunch
1.30 Beata FallerFrank RuskeyFreeAaron Williams 
2.00 Quantum ComputingParameterised ComplexityFreeSocial Choice Algorithms3 
3.00 TeaTeaFreeTea 
3.30 Quantum Computing1Parameterised Complexity2FreeDiscussion 
4.30  Charles Semple   
5.00Drinks and Nibbles    
7.15   Conference dinner 

1Led by Ajit Narayanan
2Led by Rod Downey and Catherine McCartin
3Led by Arkadii Slinko