Semester 1, 2020
Tutorials are taken by:
(To be Confirmed)
Michael Levet’s notes on theory of computation (chapters 1,2, 4 and 5):
Jean Gallier’s notes (chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 13)
Tuesday, Thursday, 13:00. Owheo G34.
Tuesday, Thursday, 14:00. Owheo G34.
You will be able to log on to the computers in the Linux Lab (labs G37,
and G38 of the Owheo Building, 133 Union Street East), and it is recommended
that you regularly check your email.
The machines can also be used for checking the course web pages.
Please let the teaching staff know if you have any difficulties accessing the machines.
There are three written assignments worth 30% in total.
Assignments are due by 4pm (Assignment 3 by 11am) on the due date, normally by emailing a PDF to the lecturer (check the assignment sheet for details).
Remember always to put your name, student ID, and COSC341 on the front page of your assignment submission.
Above all, remember that each assignment must be your own work.
In COSC341 we place high value on the virtue of academic integrity, and view academic misconduct as a very serious matter. For further information, please see our statement on academic integrity and academic misconduct.
Here is a student guide to Academic Integrity published by the University.