Grammar rules are simply expanded to Prolog goals. We can also insert arbitrary Prolog subgoals on the right hand side of a grammar rule but we must tell Prolog that we do not want them expanded. This is done with the help of braces --- i.e. { }. For example, here is a grammar rule which parses a single character input as an ASCII code and succeeds if the character represents a digit. It also returns the digit found.
" X >= 48,X =< 57,
D is X-48
The grammar rule looks for a character at the head of a list of input characters and succeeds if the Prolog subgoals
succeed. Note that we assume we are working with ASCII codes for the characters and that the ASCII code for ``0'' is 48 and for ``9'' is 57. Also note the strange way of signifying ``equal to or less than'' as ``=<''.SPM_quot
" X >= 48,X =< 57,
D is X-48