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- Balbin & Lecot, 1985
Balbin, I. and Lecot, K.
Logic Programming: A Classified Bibliography.
WildGrass Books, Australia.
- Bowen, 1981
Bowen, D.L., (ed.).
DECSystem-10 Prolog User's Manual.
Department of Artificial Intelligence, Edinburgh.
Available as Occasional Paper No 27.
- Bratko, 1986
Bratko, I.
Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence.
Addison Wesley, Wokingham.
- Burnham & Hall, 1985
Burnham, W.D. and Hall, A.R.
Prolog Programming and Applications.
- Clark & McCabe, 1984
Clark, K.L. and McCabe, F.G.
micro-Prolog: Programming in Logic.
Prentice Hall.
- Clocksin & Mellish, 1984
Clocksin, W.F. and Mellish, C.S.
Programming in Prolog.
Springer Verlag.
- Conlon, 1985
Conlon, T.
Start Problem Solving with Prolog.
Addison Wesley.
- Ennals, 1982
Ennals, J.R.
Beginning micro-Prolog.
Ellis Horwood, Chichester.
- Hogger, 1984
Hogger, C.
Introduction to Logic Programming.
Academic Press.
- Kluzniak & Szpakowicz, 1985
Kluzniak, F. and Szpakowicz, S.
Prolog for Programmers.
Academic Press.
- Kowalski, 1979
Kowalski, R.
Logic for Problem Solving.
Artificial Intelligence Series, North Holland.
- Lloyd, 1987
Lloyd, J.W.
Foundations of Logic Programming.
Springer-Verlag, 2 edition.
- O'Keefe, 1990
O'Keefe, R.A.
The Craft of Prolog.
MIT Press.
- SICStus, 1988
SICStus Prolog User's Guide and Reference Manual.
Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Sweden.
- Sterling & Shapiro, 1986
Sterling, L. and Shapiro, E.Y.
The Art of Prolog.
MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
Paul Brna
Mon May 24 20:14:48 BST 1999