COSC 348: Lab09
Overview: Phylogeny inference lab 3/3
This is practice building parts that you will need for the assignment.
IMPORTANT: Submit the code you've developed for this lab (worth 1% of your final mark).
Tree visualisation
To convert the Newick
format into a tree, you can use tree2dot.c.
This program requires 'dot' from GraphViz.
Or you can make your own implementation.
Some stuff for drawing phylogenies:
- tree2tex.c, a program for converting
binary trees to LaTeX. This requires the LaTeX package
qtree.sty, described in
This prints trees in landscape mode with fairly small characters
to pack up to 30 nodes on a page.
Beware: you cannot use
with this.
- tree2dot.c, a program for converting
binary trees to the input language of the GraphViz utility "dot".
This currently uses dot's default settings.