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Nigel Stanger - Department of Information Science


A Tale of Two Floppies: Adventures in Digital Preservation


Archway 2 - 1:00 pm, Friday 15 April


During a spare moment about a year ago I innocently decided to recover some of my old documents from a collection of early-1990's Macintosh-formatted floppies. This rapidly turned into a much more complex operation than I had expected, which really drove home the point about how quickly support can disappear for even ubiquitous storage technologies once they fall out of the mainstream. File format obsolescence is an even bigger problem, which has been amply demonstrated by ongoing work in digitising the Information Science Discussion Paper collection. In this seminar I will discuss the trials and tribulations of recovering and managing old data and documents, indulge in a little software nostalgia and discuss possible future directions for research at Otago into digital preservation.

Last modified: Tuesday, 12-Apr-2011 11:51:05 NZST

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