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Tony Savarimuthu - Department of Information Science


The role of social norms in energy conservation - a simulation-based study


Archway 2 - 1:00 pm, Friday 21 September


Social norms play an important role in shaping human behaviour. They guide people how to behave under certain circumstances by informing what is permitted and prohibited. Research works have shown that social norm based messages can be successfully used to promote sustainable practices such as energy conservation.

Towards the goal of facilitating the reduction of energy consumption in households (a green norm), we have investigated three simple agent-based simulation models. In this talk, first, I will compare the effectiveness of these three models in spreading the norm (i.e. reducing the amount of energy consumed by households) , and also discuss how a norm-based intervention approach can lead to decreased energy consumption in households. Second, using a simple example, I will discuss how a green norm can be identified, spread and eventually elevated to a policy in an organisation.

Last modified: Tuesday, 18-Sep-2012 09:44:00 NZST

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