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Tony Savarimuthu, Department of Information Science


What is expected to happen vs what happens - A process mining based study of decision-making processes in Python


Owheo G34 - 1:00 pm, Friday 7 October


Effective decision-making processes used by organisations are well-formed (complete and correct), and contain the right level of details (right granularity). To what extent do decision-making processes advertised to be used by open source software communities possess these attributes? This talk presents an initial exploration of these attributes in the decision-making processes employed in the Python community during the development of Python Enhancement Proposals (PEPs). In particular, the talk aims to discuss:

  1. how decision-making processes can be extracted from open source repositories using process mining
  2. whether the extracted processes are compliant with the publicly advertised processes

    Last modified: Thursday, 06-Oct-2016 10:47:38 NZDT

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