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Aleksei Fedorov, PhD Student, Department of Computer Science


My journey in the wireless communication field: from the idea to the real field experiments


Owheo G34 - 2:00 pm, Friday 5 May - Note: change in time


PhD research is an amazing opportunity to touch the stars for those who have tasted the taste of engineering being. In my opinion, the main difference between a researcher and an engineer is that the first one wants to show that an extraordinary idea is possible, while the other needs to show that an extraordinary solution is reliable. Thus, engineers are limited by boundaries of the products, while researchers are unlimited in their dreams and aims, which gives them the ability to reach the stars. Realizing this fact inspires creativity and motivates for brave challenges.

In my talk, you will see how crazy researchers like me ask nearly impossible questions such as: how to cope with multipath phenomena, how to simultaneously localize multiple LTE users using one radio resource, and how to perform real experiments for multi antenna systems by using only one antenna. I will also show the interesting side effects of my research such as the creation of a new concept for wireless channel modeling, enhancement of research effectiveness via collaboration, and obtaining of new knowledge, which brought me to the border between classical physics and quantum physics.

Last modified: Tuesday, 02-May-2017 11:03:12 NZST

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