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Saurabh Malgaonkar, Department of Information Science


Towards Elicitation, Classification and Prioritization of App Reviews Reflecting End-users' Requirements for App Maintenance and Evolution Tasks


Owheo G34 - 1:00 pm, Friday 27th September


Requirements prioritization deals with the ranking or classification of stakeholders' requirements based on their importance.

This process is central to releasing a software product with features most essential to the product's stakeholders. Smartphone apps available on Google Play or Apple App Store are a typical example of extensively popular and in-demand software products. The end-users of such products generally express their requirements in the form of app reviews that tend to be numerous and the problem to prioritize the end-users' requirements persists.

In this study, inspiration is taken from requirements prioritization and smartphone app domains to identify and transform the end-users' requirements present in the reviews pertaining to an app into actionable knowledge. The actionable knowledge is achieved through the means of elicitation, classification and prioritization of app reviews that are useful for app developers. Furthermore, the generated actionable knowledge may assist the app developers in addressing prominent end-users' requirements, which further aids towards the prolong sustainability of an app in the competitive smartphone app market.


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