Dieter Fink School of MIS at Edith Cowan, University in Perth, Western
Australia, but is visiting Canterbury University for a few months
ABSTRACT The study compared the perceptions of Malaysian, representing
eastern, Asian culture, and Australians, representing western, European
culture, for four Web site attractors (atmospherics, news stories, signs,
products and services), as part of the Integrated Internet Marketing model.
Under controlled laboratory conditions, two groupings of thirty subjects
evaluated eight Web sites in the retail and services sectors located equally
in Malaysia and Australia. We hypothesised that the predominant culture
would not be generalised to another culture. Some tentative support for
the research premise was found since where a group's perceptions for Web
attractors and their effectiveness was significantly higher, it was for
sites originating in its country. Furthermore, east/west differences were
more pronounced for some Web sites, such as was the case with one of the
sites which reflected the outdoor, European Caf* life style found commonly
in Australia and not encountered often in Malaysia. Another finding was
that it might be possible to enhance the attractiveness of product and
services displayed on Web sites by the inclusion of news stories. The study
recognises the strength and the limitations of the controlled laboratory
method of research and offers suggestions for further study.