Snakes and Spiders

Intensity information is a strong cue for segmentation but on its
own cannot be used to distinguish between accidental and
non-accidental alignments in a scene, thus resulting in incorrect
segmentations. However, motion information can be used to
distinguish between accidental and non-accidental alignments. In
this paper an integrated method using both intensity and motion
information for the segmentation and tracking of objects in a
sequence is presented. The method is based on an extension to
active contours (snakes) called spiders.

Brendan McCane Email: mccane@cs.otago.ac.nz
Department of Computer Science Phone: +64 3 479 8588/8578.
University of Otago Fax: +64 3 479 8529
Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand. There's only one catch - Catch 22.