When I was a student at Otago University, I really didn't have much
of an
idea about what sort of jobs are available, what sort of work I would
doing, or even what programming languages are most used.
My aim is to briefly cover some of the different industries that I have
involved in, and the different types of roles that there are available
the software development arena.
I'll also cover my defining moments as a developer (there have been
several), and some of the challenges that arise when working in the
corporate environment.
Brief bio
New Zealander. Attended Otago University 1991 - 1994, completed
a BSc
(hons) in Computer Science. I have been a freelance consultant
mid-1996. Primary development language has been C++, but have
branched out
into Java, Perl and Python. Currently working in London, UK for
Brothers (www.lehman.com) as a contract software developer.