Call for Digital Artwork
The quality of the artwork submitted this year was exceptional.
Final notices of acceptance will be sent by September 20th AEST. (15 September 2005)
The Graphite Art Gallery exhibition will take place at the University of
Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand from the 29th November to 3rd December 2005.
Graphite 2005 Digital Art Gallery is looking for digitally based works
that explore the nature of creative practice, especially works that deal
with the dialectic notions of local/global, digital/physical,
internal/external, the body/the machine, or other technologically framed
dialectic pairings that contain a digital, computer, or electronic
component within the process of creation. These topics may be expressed
in the following types of work:
- 2D and 3D fine art
- Animation or sculpture
- Interactive or online works
- Small-scale installations displayable in light environments without
the need for dedicated darkened rooms
NOTE: All pieces for Graphite 2005 Digital Art Gallery must be original
work, completed after June 2004.
Submission date deadline: 15th August 2005
Means of Submission
All applications will be judged from the Online Submission Procedure via
submitted pdf files with supporting quick-time and image files if
required. Please do not send original work at this stage.
Your PDF submission (no longer than 4 pages) should include:
- Presenter name(s) and affiliations
- Artwork/Title and media
- Description of the work (300 words max)
- Artists statement and experience (200 words max)
- Visual samples
In the case of installations and interactive works please also include:
- 3d model or floor plan
- Dimensions
- Installation instructions
- Equipment/AV requirements
All selected artists must:
- Be responsible for the shipping cost and insurance of their artwork to
and from the venue in Dunedin.
- Ensure their artworks are ready for presenting and include necessary
hardware/software and or hanging/presentation devices.
- Complete the 'Acceptance Agreement.doc'. This must be signed and
posted or faxed to the conference organisers with your name and
registration ID.
- Adhere to the electronic submission procedure
Selected candidates will be given further instructions on where to send
finished artworks.
Online Submission and Author Schedule
As with our past conferences, the Graphite online submission system (available after 2 May) will
be used by authors to create their profiles and manage their submission
Submission Procedure Checklist
Complete online submission proposal.
Upon notification of acceptance of your work from the Art Chairs print, complete and sign an Acceptance Agreement form (.pdf 120KB). Then post, courier or fax it to:
Conference Secretariat Graphite 2005
Department of Computer Science, University of Otago
PO Box 56, Dunedin 9015
New Zealand
fax: +64 3 479 8529
Jacquelyn Ford Morie,, University of Southern California, USA
Ian Gwilt,, University of Technology, Sydney
Graphite 2005 Art Co-Chairs