INEX 2005 Workshop on Element Retrieval Methodology

30 July 2005

Workshop Homepage Proceedings Call for Participation Organizers


The purpose of this workshop is to raise issues and promote discussion on the methodology of IR element retrieval. Participants were asked to submit opinion papers raising issues and discussing problems. At the workshop these views will be presented and discussed.


Workshop has been and gone. A second edition of the proceedings has been produced and is available for download from the procedings page. (31 August 2005)
Another draft workshop schedule announced. (19 July 2005)
Draft workshop schedule announced. (18 July 2005)
The workshop is to be held in the Western Infirmary Lecture Theatre (see map). Further details below. (18 July 2005)
The proceedings can be downloaded from this site in two formats. Either as one file, or as seperate papers. PDFs can be found here. Participants, please download, print, and read the proceedings before the workshop. Copies will NOT be handed out at the workshop.
Workshop registration is closed.


The workshop will be held in the central Western Infirmary Lecture Theatre, which is at a walking distance from the Department of Computing Science main building.

The Western Informary Lecture Theatre is building B9 on maps of the campus. It is most easily accessed via University Place, off Byres Road just south of University Avenue.

More details (including travel information) are here

We will provide delegates with a high-speed Internet wireless access in the conference venue (form filling required). Moreover, there will be a dedicated Internet room in the Boyd Orr building.


Authors of accepted papers are reminded to prepare a 20 minute presentation of their work for delivery at the workshop.

8:30amSession 1: Metrics (Chair: Shlomo Geva)
•"Notes on What to Measure in INEX", G. Kazai, M. Lalmas
•"The Simplest Evaluation Measures for XML Information Retrieval that Could Possibly Work", D. Hiemstra, V. Mihajlovic
10:30amSession 2: Users (Chair: Birger Larsen)
•"Understanding Content-and-Structure", J. Kamps, M. Marx, M. de Rijke, B. Sigurbjornsson
•"Query Formulation for XML Retrieval with Bricks", R. van Zwol, J. Baas, H. van Oostendorp, F. Wiering
•"Wanted: Element Retrieval Users", A. Trotman
2:00pmSession 3: Heterogeneous / Interactive Search (Chair: Mounia Lalmas)
•"XML Element Retrieval and Heterogeneous Retrieval: In Pursuit of the Impossible?", R. Larson
•"Obtrusiveness and Relevance Assessment in Interactive XML IR Experiments", B. Larsen, A. Tombros, S. Malik
4:00pmSession 4: Judgments (Chair: Andrew Trotman)
•"Range Results in XML Retrieval", C. Clarke
•"Fine Tuning INEX", A. Woodley, S. Geva
•"Users and Assessors in the Context of INEX: Are Relevance Dimensions Relevant?", J. Pehcevski, J. Thom, A. Vercoustre


Some of the details on this page are taken from the Theory Workshop page.

This workshop is part of the Information Retrieval Festival, which is a week full of IR activities in Glasgow. It is hosted and sponsored by the University of Glasgow and is part of the Department of Computing Science's Research Festival.

INEX is an activity of the the DELOS Network of Excellence for Digital Libraries