to be held in conjunction with
PPoPP 2013
February 23, 2013
Shenzhen, China
Rapid advancements in multicore and chip-level multi-threading technologies open new challenges and make multicore systems a part of the computing landscape. From high-end servers to mobile phones, multicores and manycores are steadily entering every single aspect of the information technology.
However most programmers are trained in sequential programming, yet most existing parallel programming models are prone to errors such as data race and deadlock. Therefore to fully utilise multicore and manycore hardware, parallel programming models that allow easy transition of sequential programs to parallel programs with good performance and enable development of error-free codes are urgently needed.
This workshop is dedicated primarily to gather researchers and practitioners addressing the main challenges and share experiences in the emerging multicore and manycore software engineering and distributed programming paradigm. This workshop aims to provide a discussion forum for people interested in programming environments, models, tools and applications specifically designed for parallel multicore and manycore hardware environments.
Pavan Balaji, Minyi Guo, and Zhiyi Huang
Xipeng Shen, College of William and Mary
Recent years have seen a rise of massive parallelism in modern
processors, typified by Graphic Processing Units (GPU), Many
Integrated Cores (MIC), Accelerated Processing Units (APU), and so
on. As parallelism continues increasing fast, memory bandwidth
expansion lags behind, causing an ever growing gap between memory
bandwidth and the cumulated computing power in a machine.
Consequently, effectively bringing data to cores is one of the most
critical challenges for tapping into the potential of future
systems. It is also a key to power efficiency as data movements are
expected to consume more than half of power in future computing
systems. This talk discusses the important role of data locality
enhancement in meeting the challenges. It examines the implications
massive parallelism brings to data locality, and some recent progress
in the measurement, modeling, and exploitation of data locality. It
concludes with a list of open questions and research directions.
Xipeng Shen is the Adina Allen Term Distinguished Associate Professor
in the College of William and Mary, an IBM Center for Advanced Studies
(CAS) Faculty Fellow, a Visiting Researcher at Microsoft Research and
MIT. His research in data locality and massive parallelism won the
prestigious Early Career Research Award from the US Department of
Energy in 2011 and the Best Paper Award at ACM PPoPP 2010. His
research in input-centric program dynamic optimizations won the CAREER
Award from the US National Science Foundation in 2010.
Xipeng Shen's research lies in the broad field of programming systems,
with an emphasis on enabling extreme-scale data-intensive computing
and intelligent portable computing through innovations in both
compilers and runtime systems. He has been particularly interested in
capturing large-scale program behavior patterns, in both data accesses
and code executions, and exploiting them for scalable and efficient
computing in a heterogeneous, massively parallel environment.
Session Chair: Mark Utting
A Compiler Infrastructure for Embedded Heterogeneous MPSoCs
Weihua Sheng, Stefan Schürmans, Maximilian Odendahl, Mark Bertsch, Vitaliy Volevach, Rainer Leupers and Gerd Ascheid
X10-FT: Transparent Fault Tolerance Framework for a APGAS Language and Runtime
Chenning Xie, Zhijun Hao and Haibo Chen
Bulk Synchronous Visualization
Lars Ailo Bongo
Session Chair: Zhenjiang Hu
The JStar Language Philosophy
Mark Utting, Min-Hsien Weng and John Cleary
Pyjama: OpenMP-like implementation for Java with GUI extensions
Vikas, Nasser Giacaman and Oliver Sinnen
A Pattern-supported Parallelization Approach
Ralf Jahr, Mike Gerdes and Theo Ungerer
Parallel Time-space Processing Model based Fast N-body Simulation on GPUs
Wei Wang, Guo Dong, Guosun Zeng, Hanli Wang and Haoyang Wei
Session Chair: Xipeng Shen
A Generate-Test-Aggregate Parallel Programming Library
Yu Liu, Kento Emoto and Zhenjiang Hu
libEOMP: A Portable OpenMP Runtime Library Based on MCA APIs for Embedded Systems
Cheng Wang, Sunita Chandrasekaran, Barbara Chapman and Jim Holt
Low Power Cache Architectures with Hybrid Approach of Filtering Unnecessary Way Accesses
Lingjun Fan, Weisong Shi and Dongrui Fan
Empirical Measurement of Instruction Level Parallelism for Four Generations of ARM CPUs
Martin Johnson and Ken Hawick
Session Chair: TBD
CAP: Co-Scheduling Based on Asymptotic Profiling in CPU +GPU Hybrid Systems
Zhenning Wang, Quan Chen, Long Zheng and Minyi Guo
Scheduling Directives for Shared-Memory Many-Core Processor Systems
Oded Green and Yitzhak Birk
Auto-Tuning Methodology to Represent Landform Attributes on Multicore and Multi-GPU Systems
Murilo Boratto, Pedro Alonso, Domingo Giméne, Marcos Barreto and Karolyne Oliveira
Pavan Balaji, Minyi Guo and Zhiyi Huang
Paper submission deadline : November 1, 2012 extended to November 18, 2012 23:59 Anywhere on Earth - Hard Deadline
Notification of acceptance : January 1, 2013
Camera-ready papers due : January 20, 2013
Workshop : February 23, 2013
The program committee cordially invites any novel research ideas in (but not limited to) the following topics:
Pavan Balaji
Argonne National Laboratory, USA
balaji at mcs dot anl dot gov
Minyi Guo
Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
guo-my at cs dot sjtu dot edu dot cn
Zhiyi Huang
University of Otago, New Zealand
hzy at cs dot otago dot ac dot nz
Papers reporting original and unpublished research results and experience are solicited. All paper submissions will be handled electronically via EasyChair.
Papers must not exceed 10 pages in standard ACM two-column conference format (preprint mode, with page number and the 9pt template). Templates for ACM format are available for Microsoft Word, and LaTeX at here.
Authors must register and submit their paper through the online submission system.
If you have problems accessing the system, e-mail your submission to:
pmam2013 at cs dot otago dot ac dot nz
All accepted papers will be published in the PMAM 2013 proceedings by the ACM Digital Library, and will be included in the Elsevier databases Scopus and Compendex.
Selected best papers of PMAM 2013 will be considered for publication in a special issue of the Elsevier journal of Parallel Computing (ParCo).
Information about registration at PPoPP 2013 main website.
For further information regarding the workshop and paper submission,
please send your request or enquiry to:
pmam2013 at cs dot otago dot ac dot nz