to be held in conjunction with
PPoPP 2022
April 2, 2022
Rapid advancements in multicore and chip-level multi-threading technologies open new challenges and make multicore systems a part of the computing landscape. From high-end servers to mobile phones, multicores and manycores are steadily entering every single aspect of the information technology.
However, most programmers are trained in sequential programming, yet most existing parallel programming models are prone to errors such as data race and deadlock. To fully utilize multicore and manycore hardware, parallel programming models that allow easy transition of sequential programs to parallel programs with good performance and enable development of error-free codes are urgently needed.
This workshop is dedicated primarily to gather researchers and practitioners addressing the main challenges and share experiences in the emerging multicore and manycore software engineering and distributed programming paradigm. This workshop aims to provide a discussion forum for people interested in programming environments, models, tools and applications specifically designed for parallel multicore and manycore hardware environments.
Paper submission deadline : November 30, 2021 final extension to February 20, 2022 (Anywhere On Earth)
Notification of acceptance : extended to March 21, 2022
Camera-ready papers due : March 25, 2022
Workshop day: April 2, 2022
The program committee cordially invites any novel research ideas in (but not limited to) the following topics:
Pavan Balaji
Facebook, USA at gmail dot com
Minyi Guo
Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
myguo at sjtu dot edu dot cn
Zhiyi Huang
University of Otago, New Zealand
hzy at cs dot otago dot ac dot nz
Quan Chen
Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
chen-quan at sjtu dot edu dot cn
Zhiyi Huang
University of Otago, New Zealand
hzy at cs dot otago dot ac dot nz
Min Si
Facebook, USA
minsi.atwork at gmail dot com
Papers reporting original and unpublished research results and experience are solicited. All paper submissions will be handled electronically via Hotcrp:
Papers must not exceed 10 pages in standard SIGPLAN proceedings format (\documentclass[sigplan,screen]{acmart}). The Latex template is available at here.
Authors must submit their paper through Hotcrp: If you have problems accessing the system, e-mail your submission to: pmam2022 at lists dot otago dot ac dot nz
All accepted papers will be published in the PMAM 2022 proceedings by the ACM Digital Library, and will be included in the Elsevier databases Scopus and Compendex (EI indexed).
Selected best papers of PMAM will be considered for publication in a special issue of CC-PE.
Information about registration at PPoPP 2022 main website.
For further information regarding the workshop and paper submission,
please send your request or enquiry to:
pmam2022 at lists dot otago dot ac dot nz