The length of the submissions should not exceed 8 pages, printed single-spaced in 11 point font.
The first page of your submission should include:
Note that, as a difference with the first submision, the first page should not include keywords.
Only electronic submissions of PDF (preferably) or PostScript files will be accepted. If we cannot print your file by the submission date it will not be published in the proceedings. Therefore you are encouraged to send an early version with the typographical complexity of your final intended version so that we can check it is printable. Note that the printed proceedings will be in black and white. Electronic submissions should be sent to
The camera-ready versions will follow the same style as the ACL workshops. Any paper that does not conform with the instructions below will not be included in the proceedings. Again you are encouraged to send an early version so that we can check if it conforms with the style instructions.
Download the precise instructions
Examples of output are available in several formats. These examples explain more in detail the ACL instructions -- but note that some of these instructions do not apply to the workshop (e.g. contact name, paper size and the purchase of additional pages) .
We strongly recommend that you use LaTeX to produce the camera-ready versions. To that end, you can use the following style files:
The file acl2002.tex can be used as an example, together with this sample bibliography.
A MS Word template is also provided here. The file acl2002.doc is an example of how the submission should look like.
Remember that only electronic submissions of PDF or PostScript files will be accepted. Last modified: Wed Jun 4 2003