SIGIR 2007 Workshop on Focused Retrieval

(Question Answering, Passage Retrieval, Element Retrieval)

27 July 2007

Workshop Homepage Proceedings Call for Participation Organizers


Proceedings of the SIGIR 2007 Workshop on Focused Retrieval
Andrew Trotman, Shlomo Geva, Jaap Kamps (editors)


Structural Relevance in XML Retrieval Evaluation
S. Ali, M. Consens, M.Lalmas
[PDF, Slides]

Collaborative Knowledge Management: Evaluation of Automated Link Discovery in the Wikipedia
W.C. Huang, A. Trotman, S. Geva
[PDF, Slides]

From Passages into Elements in XML Retrieval
K. Itakura, C. Clarke
[PDF, Slides]

The Task First, Please
V. Jijkoun, M. de Rijke
[PDF, Slides]

On the Relation between Relevant Passages and XML Document Structure
J. Kamps, M. Koolen
[PDF, Slides]

Evaluating Focused Retrieval Tasks
J. Pehcevski, J.A. Thom
[PDF, Slides]

Chunking-based Question Type Identification for Multi-Sentence Queries
M. Takechi, T. Tokunaga, Y. Matsumoto
[PDF, Slides]

Can we at least agree on something?
A. Trotman, N. Pharo, D. Jenkinson
[PDF, Slides]

To Click or not to Click? The Role of Contextualized and User-Centric Web Snippets
N. Zotos, P. Tzekou, G. Tsatsaronis, L. Kozanidis, S. Stamou, I. Varlamis
[PDF, Slides]