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Image SIGGRAPH 2018 Our work "ChromaGlasses: Computational Glasses for Compensating Colour Blindness" has been select as outstanding content for the "Best of SIGCHI" invited session for SIGGRAPH 2018 and was presented in Vancouver by Yuta Itoh.
Image ACM CHI 2018 Our accepted ACM CHI 2018 submission "ChromaGlasses: Computational Glasses for Compensating Colour Blindness" has been awarded an Honourable Mention Award for CHI 2018, which means that it is ranked among the top 5% of all submissions to the SIGCHI 2018 conference, one of the top conference in HCI and computing in general.
Image MBIE RESEARCH FUNDING AWARD Our project team from Computer Science (Stefanie Zollmann, Steven Mills), Information Science (Tobias Langlotz, Holger Regenbrecht) and Physical Education (Chris Button) have won a $1,000,000 MBIE research funding award. The three-year project is called "Situated visualisation to enrich sports experience for on-site spectators" and builds on previous collaboration between the different departments.
Image MARSDEN FASTSTART AWARD Together with Ali Knott as mentor, we won a $300,000 Marsden FastStart award. The three-year project is called "Interactive 3D computational videography" and will combine novel videography and computational techniques to enable us to ‘virtually walk through’ a 3D scene created from home videos.