computer science


How to burn Microsoft Imagine product CD/DVD's:

Please note - the links on this page referring to a download site, from which you may obtain the product images you have chosen, will accept connections only from computers within the departmental range of ip-addresses. If you are using an external computer (e.g. from another department, or from off-campus) then you will have to download the image(s) from the ELMS website.

Mac users

To create your own media CD/DVD on a mac, do this...

  • Using a web browser navigate to the internal server.
  • Locate the desired MS software title's ISO file and copy it to your desktop.
  • Right-click that file and then "Open with.. Disk Utility".
    (Alternatively, locate "Disk Utility" using Spotlight or look for it in the in "Applications Utilities" folder, then drag the ISO image file to the left pane.)
  • Once "Disk Utility" is open, that ISO image should appear in the left pane. Select that file and then click the "Burn" button at top of that window. Insert a blank CD/DVD and allow the burn process to complete.
  • Delete the ISO image file from your desktop after you have successfully transferred it to your disk media.

Linux Users

  • Using a web browser, navigate to the internal server.
  • Choose the .iso file for the product installation CD or DVD you wish to burn.
  • Right-click the link and save the file to /scratch
  • Open the K3b CD writing program (you will find it under the "Sound & Video" menu).
  • In the tools menu select "Burn CD image" or "Burn DVD ISO image" (whichever is appropriate for the size of your image).
  • Select the .iso file you have saved on /scratch
  • Insert a blank CD or DVD into the drive.
  • Click "Start"

Windows 7/8 Users

  • Navigate to the internal server to locate desired software image file (.iso) if not directly downloading from the Microsoft Imagine web portal. Click on chosen file to download.
  • If you wish to create a CD or DVD we suggest using the third-party IsoRecorder utility available here to do this.
  • IsoRecorder also allows you to directly mount the .iso image file in File Explorer under Windows 7
  • If you prefer to create a USB flash drive containing the software, we suggest using a third-party utility called Rufus for this purpose. See here


Windows 10 Users

  • Navigate to the internal server to locate desired software image file (.iso) if not directly downloading from the Microsoft Imagine web portal. Click on chosen file to download.
  • Select downloaded software image file (.iso) and right click it. Choose Mount from sub menu. This will mount the image as a new drive letter in File Explorer. Run Setup program from within that.
  • If you wish to create a CD or DVD, right click the downloaded image file and choose Burn disc image option.
  • If you prefer to create a USB flash drive containing the software, we suggest using a third-party utility called Rufus for this purpose.  See here

If you have any questions or problems please check the FAQ page to see if there is an answer there, or email the Microsoft Imagine administrator.