Programming and Problem Solving


  • Java Foundations: Introduction to program design & data structures, by Lewis, DePasquale and Chase (only required as a reference to basic Java concepts if needed, the version used in COMP160 is more than adequate).

Online texts

Here are links to a couple of free texts that cover much of the COSC241 material:

Other useful links

From time to time links to useful resources will be added here.

  • Oracle's Java pages can be found here. These provide lots of information including tutorials and documentation, as well as the Standard Development Kit which you can download to use at home.
  • Here is a direct link to the Learning the Java language section of the Java Tutorial.
  • Here is a link to the 'geogebra' app used during lecture 1.
  • Here is a video series on Java Algorithms.
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Page maintained by Iain Hewson. Last modified: Tue May 28 09:29:58 2019