Ray Tracer  2020
Todo List
Member Cube::intersect (const Ray &ray) const
The Cube-Ray intersection needs to be implemented as part of the assignment.
Member Cylinder::intersect (const Ray &ray) const
The Cylinder-Ray intersection needs to be implemented as part of the assignment.
Member Plane::intersect (const Ray &ray) const
The Plane-Ray intersection needs to be implemented as part of the assignment.
Member Scene::computeColour (const Ray &ray, unsigned int rayDepth=0) const
Currently this method only deals with ambient lighting and Material properties. It needs to be extended to account for the diffuse, specular, and mirror properties of the Material of the Object that is hit. Recall from lectures that the formula for a combination of ambient, diffuse, and specular lighting is
Member Tube::intersect (const Ray &ray) const
The Tube-Ray intersection needs to be implemented as part of the assignment.