Assessment - Semester 1 2016


-- 8% will be contributed by a short quiz at the start of lectures 2 through 9, with each quiz being worth 1%.

Assignment 01 is worth 11%. Due date: Monday 21st March 2016.

-- Assignment 1 - download here.
-- Assignment 1 Solutions.

Assignment 02 is worth 11%. Due date: Monday 16th May 2016.

The assignment questions will be available on this web page at least a fortnight ahead of the due date.

-- Assignment 2 - download here.

The Examination is worth 70%.

The exam will consist of five questions, each worth a total of 25 marks. You need to do four of the questions.

The first question will be about classical propositional logic (lectures 1 and 2).
The second question will be about nonmonotonic logic and belief change (lectures 4 and 5).
The third question will be about epistemic, temporal, and BDI logic (lectures 7, 8, and 9).
The fourth question will be an essay question - one of those listed in the exercises of lecture 6. Since the question will be worth 25 marks, you should plan the length of your essay to be appropriate for 25 minutes of writing, at a mark per minute. So avoid wordy vagueness and plan on conveying one relevant fact per minute. (You may bring drafts of your essays to Willem for feedback before the exam.)
The fifth question will have 5 subquestions related to Sat-solvers, logic programming, first-order logic, description logics, and an overview of their common theme. Each of the first four sub-questions will be based on one of lectures 10, 11, 12, and 13, while the overview will synthesise insights from all four lectures. These lectures will be given by Dr Richard O'Keefe.