Electronic Theatre: Submissions Procedure
The Graphite2005 Electronic Theatre Submission form
The Submission Form includes an acceptance agreement, which is a legal document. It explains the uses Graphite2005 makes of presented material and requires you to acknowledge that you have permission to use this material. This may involve seeking clearance from your employer or from others who have loaned you material, such as videotapes and slides.
The agreement helps prevent situations whereby Graphite2005 presentations include material without permission that might lead to complaints or even legal action. In addition, this agreement asks if Graphite2005 and/or ACM SIGGRAPH may use your materials for conference and organisation promotional material in exchange for full author/artist credit information.
Accepted submitters must provide final versions of their entries, recorded on the highest-quality equipment available to them.
Deadline for submissions: 15th August, 2005, 5 pm (AEST)
Final versions that differ significantly from jury-accepted versions will not be shown. End credits must be no longer than seven seconds. Additional credit information will be published in the Graphite2005 Catalogue.
Video shown in the Electronic Theatre will be mastered on PAL D1 and projected in component RGB. Contributors are responsible for securing necessary permissions and licenses for visual and audio material contained in entries for the Graphite2005 Electronic Theatre. Contributors are encouraged to use original music. Small performing rights licenses must be secured for public performance of any commercial soundtrack or copyrighted musical composition. Synchronisation licenses must be secured for inclusion of copyrighted musical compositions in film or video presentations. The work in the Graphite2005 Electronic Theatre will be documented in the Graphite2005 Catalogue and other conference media. Digital images must be submitted for printed publications.
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