The Seventeenth Australasian Document Computing Symposium 2012
ADCS2012 - Paper GuidelinesSubmitted papers must be in English, should be typed in two-column, single-spaced format, and must adhere to the word limits in the Call for Papers. They must include the author's name, affiliation and e-mail address, a 200 word abstract, and keywords identifying the paper's area. The keywords listed in the Call for Papers are preferred:
Paper Templates
Please use the Word or LaTeX template files which are available on the ACM templates page. Submissions of full-length papers should be a maximum of eight pages in the required style (approximately 3000 words). Submissions for Posters, Short papers, Industry Status Reports, and Demonstrations (if any of the above) should be a maximum of four pages in the required style (appoximately 1500 words). All submissions must be original work, not previously published elsewhere, and not currently submitted to any other conference or journal. Submissions that differ markedly in length or style from these guidelines risk being rejected without further consideration. Paper submission will be through EasyChair. |