To register for the the Australasian Computer Science Week of Conferences go to Registration Process.
Conferences and workshops include:
The 2nd Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC'04)
The First Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling (APCCM'04)
The 27th Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004)
The 6th Australasian Computing Education conference (ACE2004)
The 15th Australasian Database Conference (ADC2004)
The 5th Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC2004)
Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2004)
The Australasian Information Security Workshop (AISW2004)
The Australasian Workshop on Data Mining and Web Intelligence (AWDM&WI2004)
The Australasian Workshop on Software Internationalisation (AWSI2004)
Registration Fees and Entitlements
All fees and charges are inclusive of GST.
Full Registrations, NZ$720.00, are entitled to:
- A 10% discount if staff of a Computer Science Association (CSA) member institution, no discount if payment is late.
- A 10% discount if a member of the Australian Computer Society (ACS), no discount if payment is late.
- A 10% surcharge if payment is late and not staff of a CSA member institution and not a member of the ACS.
- Attend all sessions in any conference or workshop,
- Attend the first night reception, conference dinner, morning and afternoon teas,
- Additional conference dinner tickets, NZ$90.00 each, may be purchased separately,
- Receive two proceedings free and purchase others at NZ$60 per volume.
Student Registrations, NZ$360.00, are entitled to:
- A 10% surcharge if payment is late,
- Attend all sessions in any conference or workshop,
- Attend the first night reception, morning and afternoon teas, but not the conference dinner.
- Conference dinner tickets, NZ$90.00 each, may be purchased separately,
- Receive two proceedings free and purchase others at NZ$60 per volume.
Day Registrations, NZ$360.00, are entitled to:
- Attend all sessions in any conference or workshop on that day
- Attend any conference event for which you are eligible on that day with the exception of the conference dinner.
- Conference dinner tickets, NZ$90.00 each, may be purchased separately,
- Receive one proceedings free and purchase others at NZ$60 per volume.
The registration process is as follows:
- Enter your registration details using the form.
- Once your details have been correctly entered select "Display Invoice" to confirm your provisional registration.
- A tax invoice will be displayed for payment. Print this invoice, fill in method of payment details.
- Payment methods are Visa/Bankcard/Mastercard/American Express Credit Cards, or NZ cheque/bank draft payable to "University of Otago".
- Credit card payments - fax to fax number shown on invoice (can be mailed if fax unavailable).
NZ cheque payments - mail with cheque attached to address shown on invoice.
- Payments made after close of business on Friday 28 November 2003 will be considered late payments, unless alternative arrangements have been made.
- No late registration penalty applies to student and single day registrations.
- All cancellations prior to 5 January 2004 will incur a NZ$60 administrative charge.
- All cancellations on or after 20th January 2004 will incur a NZ$180 administrative charge.