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Running Your Mirage Program

To run  the project type the name of the project. This executes the program which generates either a picture or an animation.

There are several command line options depending on what you want to raytrace.

  <projectname>                  Render a picture (time 0).
  <projectname> n                Generate frame n.
  <projectname> f                Create a still at time f.
  <projectname> f g              Animate from time f to time g.
  <projectname> n m              Animate from frames n to m.
  <projectname> f n              Animate n frames from time f.
  <projectname> n m s            Animate from frames n to m,
                                 in steps of s.

  myproject 2.5 3.5              Generate 26 frames named 
                                 anim0.tif at worldtime = 2.5 to 
                                 anim25.tif at worldtime = 3.5.

  myproject 0 100                Generates 101 frames named
                                 anim0.tif at worldtime = 0 to
                                 anim100.tif at worldtime = 4

By default an animation  is generated at 25 frames per second. You can change this using the keyfile parameter frames-per-second. Key file parameters are discussed in section 18.

The sample newmirage project does not involve the worldtime variable so it does not change over time. There is only one unique frame.

By default the image files generated are tif files. You can change this using either the output-filename-template  key or the image-format key. See section 18

Sophie Day
Fri Feb 20 15:47:19 NZDT 1998