computer science


Alistair Knott - Publications, Papers and Talks

I. Language and sensorimotor cognition

II. Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, Law and Society

III. Computational linguistics

I. Language and sensorimotor cognition


Journal articles

Book chapters

Conference articles

Online discussions

  • A Knott: Can Chomsky's Minimalism Help Us Express a Model of Embodied Meaning Representations in Language? IEEE CIS Newsletter on Autonomous Mental Development 10:2 (2013).

    Conference abstracts (from 2012 onwards)

    • A. Knott, L. Szymanski, C. Gorman and M. Takac. Predicative sentences and perceptual mechanisms. Proceedings of the Linguistics Society of New Zealand Conference 2015, Dunedin, New Zealand, p26.
    • A. Knott and M. Takac. Training a neural network sentence generator to produce Maori sentences. Proceedings of the Linguistics Society of New Zealand Conference 2015, Dunedin, New Zealand, pp24-25.
    • A. Knott: Causative motor actions and the causative alternation. New Zealand Linguistics Society 2013 (Canterbury, NZ).
    • A. Knott: An embodied account of the syntactic domain of verbs. 6th Annual Conference on Embodied and Situated Language Processing (ESLP) 2013 (Berlin).
    • A. Knott: Chomskyan Minimalism as a vehicle for embodied models of language. 5th Annual Conference on Embodied and Situated Language Processing (ESLP) 2012 (Newcastle, UK).
    • M. Takac, L. Benuskova and A Knott: Language learning with meanings as stored sensorimotor sequences: a connectionist model. 5th Annual Conference on Embodied and Situated Language Processing (ESLP) 2012 (Newcastle, UK).

    Selected talks

    II. Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, Law and Society

    Books and Reports

    Journal articles

    III. Computational Linguistics

    PhD Thesis

    Edited collections

    • J Alexandersson and A Knott (eds): Proceedings of the 7th SigDIAL Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue, Sydney (2006).
    • A Knott and D Estival (eds): Proceedings of the Australasian Language Technology Workshop 2003. University of Melbourne (2003).
    • A Knott, T Sanders and J Oberlander (eds): special edition of Cognitive Linguistics on Coherence Relations and Connectives: Cognitive Linguistics 12(3) (2001).
    • R Schwitter, D Estival, C Paris and A Knott (eds): Proceedings of the 2001 Australasian Natural Language Processing Workshop. Macquarie University, Sydney (2001).
    • Knott, A, Oberlander, J, Moore, S and Sanders, T (eds) Levels of Representation in Discourse: International Workshop on Text Representation. University of Edinburgh, UK (1999).

    Journal papers

    Book chapters

    Conference and workshop proceedings

    Selected talks